Housing as a Human Right: Innovative Community Solutions

Published on December 2, 2024

by Adrian Sterling

When most people think of housing, they picture a roof over their heads and a place to call home. However, access to adequate housing is not just a basic need – it is a fundamental human right. According to the United Nations, the right to adequate housing is recognized in multiple international human rights treaties and is essential for an individual’s well-being and dignity. Unfortunately, in many parts of the world, this right is not fully realized, leading to the rise of innovative community solutions. In this article, we will explore the concept of housing as a human right and showcase some of the most innovative community solutions that are being implemented to ensure this right is fulfilled.Housing as a Human Right: Innovative Community Solutions

What is Housing as a Human Right?

The concept of housing as a human right is based on the idea that everyone has the right to a safe, secure, and affordable home. This means that access to adequate housing should not be limited by an individual’s income level, social status, or any other discriminatory factors. Adequate housing is more than just a physical structure; it also includes access to basic amenities such as water, sanitation, and electricity, as well as protection from the elements and natural disasters.

According to the United Nations, adequate housing should:

– Be affordable, with housing costs not exceeding 30% of a household’s income
– Be habitable, with access to basic services such as water, sanitation, and electricity
– Be accessible, with consideration for people with disabilities and their specific needs
– Be culturally appropriate, respecting the diversity of cultures and customs
– Be secure, providing protection from forced evictions and other forms of harassment
– Be located in a suitable area, with access to employment, education, and healthcare

However, the reality is that millions of people around the world still do not have access to adequate housing that meets these standards. This is where innovative community solutions come into play.

Innovative Community Solutions for Housing as a Human Right

Traditional housing solutions often fail to address the complex challenges that come with ensuring housing as a human right. This is where innovative community solutions step in, offering more sustainable and equitable solutions that involve the community in the process.

Community Land Trusts

A community land trust (CLT) is a non-profit organization that acquires land and keeps it permanently affordable for housing. They do this by separating the ownership of the land from the ownership of the housing on it. This means that the land is owned by the CLT and leased to the homeowners, who pay a nominal fee for the use of the land. This model ensures long-term affordability and prevents displacement of residents due to rising land values.

CLTs have been successfully implemented in countries such as the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom, and are gaining popularity in other parts of the world as well.

Co-housing Communities

Co-housing communities provide an alternative to the traditional single-family home model by offering a more collaborative and community-centered living experience. In a co-housing community, residents have their own private living space but share common areas and facilities such as kitchens, dining areas, gardens, and workspaces. This model promotes social interaction and fosters a sense of belonging, while also reducing housing costs through shared expenses.

Tiny Homes

Tiny homes have gained popularity in recent years as a more sustainable and affordable housing solution. These compact, often self-built homes, typically range from 100 to 400 square feet and are designed to meet the basic needs of its occupants. Tiny homes can be built on wheels, allowing for mobility and flexibility, or on a permanent foundation. They are a popular choice for those looking to downsize, reduce their environmental footprint, or have a more affordable housing option.

Community-Led Housing Initiatives

Community-led housing initiatives involve the residents themselves in the planning, design, and construction of their homes. This model gives the community more control over their housing and ensures that their specific needs and preferences are taken into account. Community-led housing can take various forms, such as self-build projects, cooperatives, and sweat equity programs, and have been successful in creating affordable and sustainable housing solutions in many parts of the world.


Housing as a human right is a fundamental principle that should be upheld by every society. It goes beyond providing shelter – it is about ensuring that every individual has access to basic amenities, protection, and a place they can truly call home. As traditional housing solutions continue to fall short in addressing the complex issues surrounding housing, innovative community solutions offer a viable and inclusive path towards fulfilling the right to adequate housing for all.

By implementing models such as community land trusts, co-housing communities, tiny homes, and community-led housing initiatives, we can create more sustainable, affordable, and equitable housing solutions that put the community at the center. Only then can we truly achieve housing as a human right for all.